Spectrum Health are part of the Spectrum family of companies, who provide health and wellness services to over 1M customers in Ireland and beyond:
One of Ireland’s largest private networks of GPs, Chartered Physiotherapists, Mental Health Support professionals, Chiropodists, Podiatrists, Speech and Language Therapists, Dieticians and Nutritionists; with 40+ clinics nationwide and growing. Irelands largest provider of Employee health & wellness services with over 1,000+ corporate clients. Please see our website www.spectrumcare.ie for more information.
Who is Spectrum Health?
Spectrum Health is one of the fastest growing Primary Care Companies in Ireland.
We provide a wide range of services through both our Spectrum Care and GP24 brands including:
Locum Services Video/Phone Consultations In home consultations In clinic consultations Online Prescription services
We are also pioneering the use of Tele Medicine service in Ireland and will continue to invest in technology to make our services more accessible to our customers.
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